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Happy Summer!
At least, as much as possible, right? It seems like the news is like a yoyo, one day everyone is optimistic and returning back to “normal” and the next day we are talking about new outbreaks and new controls. I just ask for God’s protection for all the world.
Our Lady of Mercy had a nice feeling last Sunday. Thanks again to Janet and Alex for the live streaming and for that beautiful new Gloria! We are still being careful in the church and as far as I know, there have been no infections reported in any church anywhere in Spain. That is good news and it means our protocols are working. Please know that we may turn on the air conditioning if it gets real hot. However, the system at OLM is not a conventional system. We never recirculate air. The ventilators simply blow air over pipes that have extremely cooled water. If anything, it may be wasteful, but since we have the doors open, the inside air is constantly being forced out. All good news for your health.
The Mass intention for Sunday will be for Jaqueline who is suffering from cancer for the second time. It was requested by her friend Georgia.
I have attached the Sunday worship aids, but they might not correspond to our readings this Sunday as England celebrates St. Peter and St. Paul. (the aids come out of England). Still, I attach them for your perusal. The Sunday readings may always be found at this site:
I am also going to attach a an invitation to an activity that Elizabeth Franco wanted to invite you to at the end of this email.
That’s all for now. Hope you are well.
Miss you,
Fr, Ron
The Defendant

The judge read the charges, then asked, “Are you the defendant in this case?”

“No sir, your honor, sir,” replied Bob, “I’ve got a lawyer to do the defendin’. I’m the guy who done it.”

Dejar father Ron,
I want to thank all the support that  I have received from you and from the church after my mather pass away. I hope that soon we will all start going to mass.
I know that the children have been locked up in their homes for many days because they do not have a school, for this reason I send this email to parents who want to bring their children
A free renewable energy workshop ages 6 to 11 year old

It is compulsory to register the parents can send me an email 
Register preferably before 27 June
Buenos días:
Hola soy Elizabeth, desde Asociación de la Prensa del Comité de Solidaridad queremos ayudar a los padres hacer más llevaderos esta situación que vivimos desde que el virus llegó a nuestras vidas.
Por eso motivo queremos ponerle una sonrisa a los más pequeños organizando unos Talleres de Energías renovables y desarrollo sostenible
.Importante por el tema de aforo inscribirse antes 
El taller será desarrollara en la sede de APM
Dia: 30 de Junio
Hora: 11:00 a 13 horas.
 Lugar es calle Juan Bravo 6 pero ese día entrareis por Claudio Coello 98
Es obligatorio las mascarillas.
Nosotros tenemos gel etc.
Edades entre 6  y 11 años si algunos niños  están interesado  o me envíe un correo para apuntarle yo directamente .  sino deben de rellenar una solicitud que aparece en la WEB
Un saludo